Sauce Poivrade
Author: Germaine
Recipe type: Sauce
Cuisine: French
To serve with game.
- 1 tbsp. butter and 1 tbsp. oil
- 2 tbsp. (50 gr.) carrots, diced
- 2 tbsp. onion, diced
- 2 parsley branches
- 1 garlic clove, crushed
- 6 peppercorns, coarsely ground
- 1 cup espagnole sauce
- salt
- ½ cup wine vinegar
- 1 cup red wine
- 2 teaspoons flour or cornstarch
- 2 tbsp. cognac
- Saute the mirepoix of carrot and onion in the butter and oil mixed.
- Add the parsley.
- Add the vinegar, salt, pepper and garlic.
- Cook until the vinegar is evaporated.
- Thicken with the flour or cornstarch diluted in a little water.
- Mix, then add the wine and the espagnole.
- The espagnole should be made with the bones of the game used.
- Simmer 30 minutes.
- Strain through a chinois.
- Add the cognac.